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Several Current and Upcoming Options

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Weekly Meetups

Afterschool STEM Program

Our weekly afterschool STEM program is the bulk of what Brick League is all about. Most of our goals, intentions, and mission surround the implementation of STEM lessons using LEGO.

Homeschool Program

Homeschool Hours

This program uses the same lessons and challenges from our afterschool program, but is intended for our homeschool students during school hours.

Toddler Time

STEM with LEGO Duplo

This program is for toddlers age 18 mo to 3. Fun social opportunity for our preschoolers. We combine developmentally appropriate STEM activities in an environment inviting to toddlers on a multi-sensory level.

Summer Camp

Week Long Camp

Under the guidance of experienced teachers, our LEGO®-based engineering summer camps give kids the chance to apply real-world STEM concepts using LEGO.

Activities: Activities

Weekly Challenge Flyer

Activities: Text
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